Welcome to Apple Class. We can't wait to welcome you in September 2024. Please have a look at our social story with your child.
Welcome to Nursery Apple Class!
Have a look to see what we've been busy getting up to in Nursery this term!
Spring Term
Forest School
This term we have ventured to other parts of the school to broaden our outdoor learning experience. We have LOVED using the large OPAL play equipment that the older children use. We have been preparing ourselves for a fire in the summer term by drinking hot chocolate and singing camp fire songs at the fire pit.
We have learnt the names of so many birds and woodland creatures and are making habitats and feeders to help them on cold days.
Mark Making
We have been practising our marking making skills throughout nursery in so many different ways.
Learning Through Play
We now have a garden centre in caterpillar room! We are enjoying running our own garden shop where we sell seeds and potted plants. We have used this area to learn that seeds need water, food and sunlight to grow. We are excited to watch how all the real seeds we have planted will grow!
Autumn Term 1
We have had such a busy start to our Autumn Term so far!
The children have settled in quickly and are continually developing their interest in the world around them. We have enjoyed exploring all the of areas in our Nursery. As the weather has been good so far we have made the most of our mud kitchen, where we have made different recipes including conker cake and pumpkin soup. We have mixed, stirred and patted all the ingredients together and we think we are now brilliant chefs!
Mud Kitchen Fun!
Outdoor Fun
We have been using the outdoor area for lots of other fun things such as pumpkin hammering, climbing, problem solving, mark making and bike riding just to name a few!
Indoor Learning
Our learning has also taken place inside as we have enjoyed Autumn counting, role play, building structures and designing in the design technology area. We have enjoyed so many stories and new songs too!