Health & Safety
Health and safety of the school environment is a priority for everyone; detailed below are some of the measures undertaken to ensure it is maintained.
- Local Authority Health and Safety checks.
- Health and safety discussions with Finance and Premises Committee.
- Health and safety inspections with School Business Manager, Facility Supervisor and Governor responsible for health and safety.
- Weekly single fire bell test.
- Whole school fire evacuation practice every half term.
- Fire evacuation plans/procedures in every room.
- InVentry signing in system, staff identification badges and fobs.
- DBS checks.
- Consistent approach for planning trips and visits, risk assessments completed using Evolve. All trips authorised by Head teacher.
- Purchase equipment and materials that are safe and suitable for their intended use.
- Ensure the prompt and efficient maintenance of equipment keeping it in safe working order.
- Report all accidents occurring on school premises to the Head teacher, Deputy Head Teacher or School Business Manager.
To provide effective monitoring systems to ensure that safety standards are being complied with we regularly review our procedures. We invest in high quality training to ensure staff have a full understanding of safety including fire awareness training and first aid.