Our school
We are very proud of our happy and successful school in which a strong ethos of care and support sits alongside high academic achievement. These qualities have been built up over many years by our dedicated staff, wonderful children and their supportive families and we working closely with parents as partners to provide the very best education for every child. It is our vision that when children leave us at the end of Year 4 they will be enthusiastic, skilled and happy learners, eager to seize opportunities in the future. We aim to provide a secure and accepting environment in which all are able to develop the confidence to express themselves and their ideas and develop their many individual talents.
All of us working at Grange are committed to ensuring children come in to school feeling safe and special and return home happily; full of exciting learning and news to share. OFSTED commended our children for their “outstanding behaviour” around school and highly praised us for the friendly and secure atmosphere in which every child is so highly valued.
SEN information
These documents are intended to give families general information regarding the ways in which we support our pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) to reach their potential. The strategies, resources and support explained are continually developed and our provision modified to meet the changing requirements of individual pupils. We also embrace the fact that every child is unique and therefore will receive provision and support to reflect their individual needs and to help them thrive and make progress.
When children are identified as having SEN, we use individual support plans and resources which help support their development, address areas of concern and speed up progress. The school has developed a dedicated SEN team with a variety of skills and knowledge to support your child. In addition to the SEN Coordinator (SENCO), this team consists of two SEN Learning Support Assistants, an SEN Governor, and dedicated team of teaching assistants trained to deliver a wide range of effective intervention strategies and skilled in identifying and supporting individual needs. Children with SEN at Grange First School make good progress and achieve in line with other schools nationally.
Other useful documents such as our SEN and Inclusion policy are available on the school website If you would like further information about what Grange can offer, then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Tracy Gregory the SENCO directly on: 0191 2852954 or e-mail:
Please click on the downloads below to access our full SEN information