Latest News
Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.
When i grow up I want to be a......
Mon 10 Feb 2025What a fabulous week we’ve all had exploring the job of a hairdresser, doctor, social worker, environmentalist, florist, police, scientist, vet, dentist, builder, engineer, massage therapist, occupational therapist, poet… We have all found out so much and the children have had their eyes opened to some careers they have never even thought about before. It really has been inspirational! A HUGE thank you to all of our volunteers- parents, grandparents, our Chair of Governors, staff partners…it would have been impossible without you. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.
Visit from local author
Thu 24 Oct 2024We had a visit from a local author this week. Toby Glover read his books to all our children. My favourite quote from the day was from a boy in Year 2. I was sitting in the lunch hall and he shouted excitedly at me, “Mrs Clougher we’ve seen a real life author today!” He then proceeded to retell of the stories he’d been told that morning!
Spooky Disco
Thu 24 Oct 2024A huge thank you to our brilliant PTFA for organising such a great Spooky Disco last night and to all the parents and staff who volunteered their time to help out on the night.
Some of our children looked pretty terrifying!
#HelloYellow Young Minds
Wed 16 Oct 2024At Grange, KINDNESS and RESPECT underpin everything we do and the way we interact with each other. These values help us to foster a welcoming environment where children feel safe and proud to be themselves. They also help us to build positive relationships with each other which are crucial for emotional well-being.
Today we focussed on our own mental health and ways of coping with tricky emotions. We also talked about things we could do when we were happy or calm and how to be kind and supportive to others.
A huge thankyou to Mrs Tingle for organising this day and to raise the importance of looking after our own mental health.
Update on the Bungalow!
Mon 07 Oct 2024Earlier this week, I asked the PTFA if they could raise £10,000 towards the cost of renovating the old caretaker’s bungalow at the front of school. This money will go towards the actual building work. There will be an activity room, kitchen, sensory room and a library.
Reception Speed Curriculum
Mon 07 Oct 2024Thank you to everyone who attended our Speed Curriculum to find out about phonics and early reading, fine motor skills, maths, Forest School and OPAL. We hope you found out how we teach your child these important skills at school and how you can support your child at home. If you couldn’t attend, a sheet will be coming home at the end of the week with all of the key information on it.
Grange PTFA
Mon 01 Jul 2024Karen, the Chair of our PTFA, is keen to raise as much money as possible for our bungalow and other projects in school. She has successfully written a bid to secure £999 of funding from Asda. This morning, they came along to present the cheque to us at school. Unfortunately, Karen was at work so we asked her daughter to accept the cheque with us.
The money will be used to buy sensory equipment for the bungalow (an LED floor standing bubble wall, a disco ball and projection light and 2 peanut therapy balls) and bikes for nursery and Reception (3 Go Bikes and 3 EDX Scooters). If any of our Grange families know of any other pots of money we could tap into or if anyone knows of any businesses who would be interested in match funding, please let me know.
Mon 04 Mar 2024As you are aware from previous newsletters, Jacob wrote to our Primeminister as he was outraged that we no longer have barbeque chicken on the school lunch menu! He asked the government to increase funding to schools so that we could afford to put it back on the menu. The primeminister passed the letter to the Department for Education who didn’t offer any additional funding but did encourage Jacob to speak to his Headteacher! Our wonderful school cook, Caley, has agreed to change the menu next Thursday as a ‘one off treat’ from roast chicken to barbeque chicken! Well done to Jacob- you have made a lot of children very happy!
Grange Choir
Tue 12 Dec 2023Last Friday, I was lucky enough to accompany Mrs Price with her school choir to Gosforth Shopping Centre on the High Street. Our choir (Year 1 – Year 4) sang a selection of Christmas songs to their audience. They were wonderful! We also raised £66 for St Oswald’s Hospice. Thank you to everyone who came along to support us.
They celebrated this week by resting their singing voices and had a choir Christmas party instead! Mrs Price was surprised at how many biscuits they managed to eat in such a short amount of time!
Stars in our schools
Mon 04 Dec 2023We are incredibly fortunate at Grange to have so many wonderful support staff. They cook our lunches, clean our classrooms, keep our school safe, work in the school office, look after our children in TreeTops, do first aid, support us with our work in class, play, help us with OPAL play…. The list could go on forever! We have over 40 support staff at Grange and we literally couldn’t open our doors without them.
Our local MP and Shadow Minister for schools, Catherine McKinnel and UNISON Branch Secretary, Nicky Ramandi, joined us for an assembly organised and lead by Mrs Todd. In the assembly we thought about all the different jobs our support staff do at Grange and we said an enormous THANKYOU!