A Warm Welcome to Grange First School
I am the proud Headteacher of Grange and would love to tell you more about our wonderful school. Choosing a school for your child is such an important decision; your child could be at Grange for six years if they stay with us from Nursery through to Year 4. When parents decide to send their child to Grange First, we welcome the parents, carers, grandparents and child into our ‘Grange Family’. We want you to feel included in your child’s education and to have excellent relationships with us all. Being part of our ‘Grange Family’ is something we work hard at every day; we are friendly and welcoming and treat each other with respect and kindness. Our children feel safe and secure at school and enjoy their learning experiences. In 2021 Ofsted stated:
Grange First School is an extremely vibrant, caring and nurturing place to learn. Pupils love coming to school.
We have excellent academic results at Grange and our children make good progress from their startingpoints. English and maths are at the core of our curriculum and children leave us in Year 4 with good reading, writing and number skills. However, we also believe that children should experience a broad and balanced curriculum throughout their time at Grange. Every child should have the opportunity to find something they are particularly good at or enjoy doing so we have devised an engaging curriculum that inspires and motivates our children to learn. As well as developing scientific, artistic, historical and geographical skills and knowledge, our curriculum has been designed to promote resilience and confidence. Our OPAL play, PE curriculum and Forest School experiences are great examples where children are encouraged to persevere to overcome difficulties, take controlled risks and celebrate their achievements. We encourage active learning through exploration and investigation using first hand experiences wherever possible. We provide many opportunities for children to go on educational visits, for ‘experts’ to visit us in school and have a wide selection of extra-curricular activities on offer.
Ofsted stated:
Pupils’ understanding of tolerance, diversity and equality is exceptional. Pupils learn from an early age in Nursery and Reception about what it means to be a ‘Grange’ pupil. Pupils are encouraged to be kind, thoughtful and trustworthy.
All of us working at Grange are committed to ensuring our children come to school feeling safe and special and return home feeling happy, full of exciting learning and news to share. I hope you enjoy our website and get an insight into some of the exciting learning that takes place at our school.
Clare Clougher
Click on the link below to view our video of Grange First School