Ofsted visited Grange First School on 23rd and 24th November 2021. We are delighted to announce that we have been judged as a 'good school' once more.
Grange First School is an extremely vibrant, caring and nurturing place to learn. Pupils love coming to school. They speak highly of their teachers and consider them to be a strong influence in their life.
Pupils feel safe. Pupils know there is always someone they can talk to if they are worried or upset.
Pupils speak animatedly about the opportunities available to them to learn beyond the classroom.
Pupils’ attitudes to learning are positive.
The teaching of early reading across the school is a particular strength. Pupils who need help to catch up and improve their reading make strong progress.
Pupils’ eyes light up when they describe story time.
Pupils’ understanding of tolerance, diversity and equality is exceptional. Pupils learn from an early age in Nursery and Reception about what it means to be a ‘Grange’ pupil. Pupils are encouraged to be kind, thoughtful and trustworthy. They do not disappoint.
The last 2 years have been extremely challenging for everyone with partial school closures and home learning. We feel proud that despite this, the hard work of our Grange Family is reflected in our very positive report.
As well as telling us what we are doing well, the report also tells us what we need to improve further. We are already working hard on the two areas identified in the report and will continue to do so.
We have made many changes recently to our provision for children with SEND. The report states that,
… leaders are enthusiastic, committed and steadfast in their determination to support the most vulnerable pupils in the school. A lot has been achieved in recent months. Most pupils with SEND do well in lessons and when they attend small group activities or one to-one sessions with support staff.
However, we now need to
… ensure that they embed new systems and procedures to identify, assess and meet the needs of all pupils with SEND.
Another area we need to improve is our planning for all foundation subjects so that they are as strong as our English and maths curriculum.
There have been many recent improvements in the quality of education pupils receive. Curriculum plans in reading and mathematics are, in part, contributing to pupils learning more over time. However, plans for some foundation subjects do not identify clearly what end points the curriculum is building towards.
Leaders should ensure that curriculum plans in all subjects are appropriately sequenced and clearly identify the main concepts and ideas pupils should know inside out. It is clear that leaders have already taken action to plan next year’s curriculum and to train staff in how to deliver it.
We are all very proud of the report and are excited to make Grange First School even better over the coming months and years. If you have any questions about the report, please get in touch.
Clare Clougher and the staff at Grange First School
To read the report and previous reports in full click on the link or download directly.